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Selling your Home?

Since Home Inspectors are regulated by the Texas Real Estate Commission to identify safety hazards and  to inspect and report by today's standards. There are numerous infractions that always come up especially on older homes, however the majority of these infractions would require a minimal investment to upgrade or repair. Since more and more buyers are ordering inspections prior to making the final decision, it would be beneficial to prepare your home in advance to minimize the unconstructive impact that sometimes accompanies an inspection report.

For your convenience, Beneficial Home Inspections has put together a Pre-Inspection checklist (printable copy) to help you better prepare for an inspection.

 It is important for you to know that as a property owner you are not obligated in any way to repair any of the items that are uncovered during an inspection.

It can also be said that if you do make the majority of the repairs prior to listing that it is possible that you could recover this investment back on the sale of your property. However I suggest that you consult with a licensed real estate agent or broker to help in the matter of identifying the market and setting your listing price.


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Revised: January 02, 2017 .